Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Easy board book?

The kids and I giggled as I attempted to read this easy board book ( yes that is the exact words on the side of the book) "easy board book". Ha!
It's giggles like these and snuggles like these reading with all 3 kids on my lap. Literally, on my lap. No, my lap isn't big enough but i cant pass up the request by each child to want to be so near to me...i know this wont be true forever. Oh the time is going so fast and they are growing everyday. I want to remember the giggles amidst what I thought would be a simple teach them the A B C's. it basically turned into me making up different dinosaur noises...I think I will just go back to singing the alphabet song tomorrow.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

They are broken

I foolishly placed the nativity scene porcelain statues beneath the Christmas tree so we could ponder the wonder of the real meaning of Christmas! Oh they were set so beautifully in the fake white cotton snow that The kids and I so carefully decorated with glitter stars. And then the beautiful Christmas scene ended... Malachi just wanted to experience the nativity with his one year old boyish style of clanging the heads together like drum sticks. And they were broken! Bummed a lil' but moreso brought to realization of the real meaning of Christmas!
I quickly gathered the broken pieces before real blood was shed and set them on the counter. The nativity actually looked more realistic to me now...broken and all. No we don't run around headless these days although most of us have minds that spin with endless to do lists and countless anxious thoughts. But truly aren't we all broken in one way or another just trying to get to the manager to see Jesus, the only Savior of ALL things?
I am a broken person just grateful for the redemption, love, grace, mercy, and transforming power of a relationship with so much more than just a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger. He is JESUS the lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world (every single sin that breaks me and you to pieces).
And so I decided to leave the nativity scene just sitting broken on the counter because its reality of us all... We are all broken people just needing to draw near to the stable and grasp the good news and great joy that is for ALL people (Luke 2). So won't you join my nativity scene and bring your brokenness to the manger...you won't be alone and he will heal your cuts from the porcelain glass and do so much more than we can ask or imagine. This is the CHRIST in Christmas.