Sunday, December 15, 2013

The candles are broken

So advent might be over at our house... I was being so faithful to do the daily readings and light the weekly candles. 

Crazy two year old...I turn my head for just a few minutes and this is what I found. It seems there is always something that breaks around Christmas to remind me of what to focus on. 

I guess fishing was what we were called to do. 
Lord, lead him and guide Him all of his days and fill his nets with men who receive your salvation. 

 And Jesus may you catch us this Christmas when our candles are broken and we are fishing for something to replace them. Lord Jesus you have sent your angel to testify to us these things. You are the bright and morning star. You are so much more that a wreath of candles. 
Thank you and amen. 

Saturday, December 14, 2013

No fruit on the vines?

It lingers in the my mind and times of out loud singing can't be helped...This is my Father's world and to my listening ears...this is my Father's world, I rest me in the thought...This is my Father's world He shines in all that's fair... 
Yet, this world seems so unfair and full of human selfishness and seeking and the prevalence of evil and wickedness is so easily seen and heard.
*I fight the working world to be home and love and defend and train my children up. They fight, they disobey, they cry, they love, they obey, and we try to praise.
*Facebook shows perfection and people at their best...yet pain and brokenness cannot be hidden. A marriage is divided, a lil boy was molested and the judge released the man, the bitter cold brings out the bitterness in others...seems evil is stronger...
*I speak Truth with a capital T and I am told I am the only one with that perspective and advice...loneliness could set in...
*A single mom blames me for betrayal after I have loved and cared and prayed to be the hands and feet of Jesus - evil seems to be prevailing and building walls to keep God's plan of salvation and true love from her...
*I walk into a room full of women during prayer and only 2 out of 20 women have there eyes closed in reverent prayer...where is the fear of the Lord and the desire for more?
*I attended an informational testimonial event of human trafficking and my heart broke to hear of all the fatherless homes and hurts...when evil removes the it over?
*Pictures and videos of orphans pain my heart...will they ever say mom or dad and be embraced?
*A self defense class taught me how to gouge eyes, knee groins, slap ears, and kick inner shins all because this world is not safe and evil may grab and we must be ready and aware.
But yet in all of this difficulty and all this inner and outer turmoil, my soul cannot be silenced and my heart continues to sing...
This is my Father's world though let me ne'er forget that though the wrong seems oft so strong God is the ruler yet. This is my Father's world the battle is not done that earth and heaven be one. I will not be afraid. I will not be afraid. This is my Father's world. No I will not be afraid when this world doesn't know who Jesus is. This world doesn't accept the way, the truth, the life. When this world doesn't accept that it was a baby that is holding them...
This is my Father's world and Christmas bring to us Emmanuel, God with us. 
So let your feeble arms stop trying to hold the cries of our babies, the cries of our broken homes, the cries our of schools where common core seems it could destroy, the cries of our evil world...for their is a cry that will never cease and it came as a baby to hold you and me. This Jesus declared victory! It's victory! It is victory. We are set free. We will bow the knee and forever sing
This. is. my. Father's. World.

This writing was inspired from reading Habbakuk 3:17-19 . It is my modern day version of those verses from the occurrences and thoughts of my own life in the past month.