Friday, September 21, 2012

Wide Devastation

Five Minute Friday

It's five minute friday. Click the icon above to find out what it's all about. Basicall, I set the timer and write for 5 minutes and then publish it.

The word for today is


Timer Set. Go.

I was standing in my most frequent sactuary. Yes, on the rug in front of my kitchen sink washing the dishes. I have found it to truly be a sanctuary for me these day of tiny fingers and voices constantly at my feet, hugging my legs. So I wash the dishes with the ipod playing worship songs and I tune it all out. Eyes closed. My heart wide open. Asking Jesus to overwhelm me and consume me more than the days worth of whining. dirty diapers. disappointments. worry. bickering...oh all those things of marriage and motherhood. And then I heard it. The song playing was by Watermark called Captivate Us. And the words "Devastate us with your presence" struck me so deep. My eyes opened wide and the tears formed just thinking about it.
Am I devastated? Completely overwhelmed and shocked to think of Jesus on the cross. Do I get it? That he did it for me? He rescued me from the dominion of darkness. Jesus, your arms were stretched wider than they could go when the nails hit your wrists. The blood ran down creating a wider river to save us all. Oh Lord, yes, devastate me with your presence and find my arms wide open and m heart all for you.


I found this link below on utube - I am devastated.
Love so much deeper and wider than I can understand.
Breathe Him In.


  1. Hi Elizabeth...stoppy by from five minute friday. This was beautiful! I love all the truths you drew so beautifully from today's prompt. "Jesus, your arms were stretched wider than they could go when the nails hit your wrists. The blood ran down creating a wider river to save us all"--WOW. Amen.

    Nice to meet you--God bless! =)

  2. That very same line gripped me several years ago when the Nochels first released that song! Our friend Katie asked me to sing it at her wedding. I wasn't sure I'd get through. Now Erin has been singing it lately and the words have washed over my mind and heart yet again. Thanks for bringing it up!


Thank you so much for your comment. May you experience the breath of Jesus in your life.